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All Assessments Are On Pause

Deep Eddy Psychotherapy’s assessment psychologists are here for you.  Our team provides assessments for a wide range of neurodevelopmental differences as well as cognitiveemotional, and behavioral concerns, such as:

  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Emotional Dysfunction (e.g., Depression, Anxiety)
  • Genius or Gifted
  • And more

If you are interested in learning more about our assessments, or if you’d like to get signed up for your initial evaluation, contact us today. Read on to learn about our most popular assessments, such as ADHD Assessment. Our assessments are available to people across Texas, but some tests can only be administered in-person at one of our office locations (Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Round Rock, Dallas Ft. Worth).

All testing services begin with an intake session, are followed by assessment testing sessions (scheduled across several days or weeks) and end with a feedback session where you’ll be provided a written report with testing scores and recommendations.

Comprehensive ADHD Assessment

What is this?
Comprehensive ADHD Assessment includes a testing battery that assesses memory, attention, reasoning, social functioning, processing speed, and executive functioning. Tests are given via paper/pencil and or computer.

ADHD affects each person differently. The assessment process will help you discover why you’re struggling and how to better manage your difficulties in the future. This assessment can be beneficial for those who have been given a “drive-by diagnosis” of ADHD but want to better understand this complex condition and their unique experience with it.

Comprehensive Autism Assessment

What is this?
Similar to ADHD assessments, our Autism Assessment includes a testing battery that assesses memory, attention, reasoning, social functioning, processing speed, and executive functioning. Tests are given via paper/pencil and or computer.

Autism is one of the most misdiagnosed and missed diagnoses in mental health, especially among autistic women. Our autism assessments can give you or your child affirmative answers regarding strengths, areas of growth, and identities. 

Therapeutic Testing for Understanding Self

What is this?
Therapuetic testing includes a personality assessment, along with other measures to help you better understand yourself. You’ll gain insight into why you might be having difficulties in relationships, communication, etc.

Therapeutic assessment for understanding yourself can be helpful in orienting those who are new to therapy and would like to make quick and intentional changes. Therapeutic testing is also a good tool for those who are feeling stuck in their therapy or in their lives and would like more information about themselves on things that seem confusing.

Testing to Increase Relationship Satisfaction

What is this?
Couples assessments includes a personality assessment tool that identifies differences in communication, temperaments, and relationship styles. It will help you learn more about yourself and your partner and why you get stuck in the same repetitive fights. It will help you both understand why one of you gets bothered about some things but not others.

Couples assessments help couples know what to work on in couples’ therapy, build more compassion for each other, get unstuck from repetitive fights, communicate in less hurtful ways, and decrease confusion and fear through increased understanding of each other’s reactions.

Career Exploration Assessment

What is this?
Career Assessment includes various tests to help deduce what types of careers, fields, and job settings would be best suited for you, your interests, and your personality.

Career testing helps those who are feeling stuck and unhappy at their current jobs or who want a change and are unsure what is next. We’ll help you narrow down the many options through career assessment and exploration.

We’d love to work with you!  Please reach out to schedule or for more information!

For more information, please see our Assessment Frequently Asked Questions