Therapy for Anxiety

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What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can cause a range of physical and psychological symptoms that interfere with your daily life and well-being. Some of the most common signs of anxiety are:

  • Excessive worrying: You may find yourself worrying about things that are unlikely to happen or out of your control. You may also worry about the same things over and over again, even when there is (seemingly) no reason to do so. 
  • Difficulty concentrating: You may have trouble focusing on tasks, remembering things, or making decisions. You may also get easily distracted or lose track of time.
  • Agitation: You may feel irritable, impatient, or angry. You may also snap at others, have mood swings, or feel like you are losing control. 
  • Fatigue: You may feel tired, drained, or exhausted. You may also have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or experience nightmares. This can affect your energy levels, motivation, and mood.
  • Physical symptoms: You may experience various physical sensations, such as sweating, trembling, racing heart, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, or stomach problems. These symptoms can mimic other medical conditions and cause you to worry more.
  • Avoidance: You might avoid certain activities or situations that make you feel anxious, even if they aren’t dangerous or harmful. For example, you might avoid public speaking because it makes you feel uncomfortable. 

If you experience any of these symptoms frequently or severely, you may anxiety. Anxiety disorders are treatable and manageable with the help of professional help and self-care strategies. If you think you may have an anxiety disorder, please reach out to a qualified mental health provider for diagnosis and treatment. You are not alone and there is hope for recovery.

What can I do about my Anxiety?

Many people try to get rid of it by fighting or avoiding it, but this only makes it worse. The more we resist anxiety, the more it grows and feeds on itself.

A better way to deal with anxiety is to learn to accept and embrace it, rather than push it away. This helps us calm our nervous system and feel more settled in our body. One of the skills we need to learn is how to tolerate the feeling of anxiety and let it pass naturally.

Another skill we need to develop is how to listen to our emotions and process them in a healthy way. Anxiety often masks other feelings that we are afraid or unwilling to face, such as sadness or anger. When we ignore or suppress these feelings, they create tension and unrest in our mind and body. Anxiety is like a warning sign that something is wrong inside us. Mindfulness helps us become aware of our emotions and move through them with curiosity and compassion. When we do this, we discover our true self and what we need to heal and grow. Sometimes, we may need the help of a therapist who can guide us through this journey of self-discovery and emotional healing.

When we embrace our emotions, we not only reduce our anxiety, but also unlock our potential for strength, passion, and joy. Anxiety does not have to control your life. You can learn to manage it and live more fully. If you struggle with any form of anxiety, from stress to panic attacks, please reach out. You deserve better.

To learn more about how to overcome anxiety, check out this blog post.


If you’re ready to get help with anxiety, click the button below to set up an appointment with one of our specialists!

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*pending patient availability