How to Bond with a Newborn as a New Mother

Charlotte Howard, a therapist at Deep Eddy Psychotherapy in Austin, TX, talks about how to create the space for recovery after pregnancy and why slowing down helps us really bond with our newborn child.


Just You and the Baby

It’s really important to spend some time in bed, just you and the baby. Give yourself that recovery after giving birth. At least for a few weeks, barely getting out of bed is what I recommend.

Have people wait on you–your partner. If you don’t have a partner, having someone else really bring you food in bed and everything. I only got out of bed to go to the restroom after I had both of my kids, literally.

Stay in Bed for 2-week as a New Mother

It’s also good for healing because the uterus is really expanded and heavy. It can drop down in the body as things tighten up and that leads to uterine prolapse later. So health-wise, two weeks is really the minimum you’d want to be staying in bed, as much as possible.

Therapy Can Train You To Slow to the Baby’s Rhythm

That time in bed with your child has such beautiful implications for bonding because you get to the point where you really slow down. It’s hard to slow down because we’re used to so much action in our lives, but it takes almost being painfully slow to get on the same page as an infant, or a newborn. Their rhythm is so tender and so slow.

Just being in that world, almost being a recluse, saying, “That’s my little island, my bed,” gives you the space to feel them and really connect. I really feel like creating that space is where the bonding happens.

Starting Therapy in Austin, TX as a New Mother

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